ieso typed therapy is not available in


Typed therapy with ieso is currently unavailable in



Existing ieso patients can still access the ieso therapy plaform here

If you would like to find out about other mental health support options available in your area, please visit NHS Talking Therapies. Alternatively, please contact our patient services team directly by calling freephone 0800 074 5560, we will be happy to sign-post you to other support services. The team are available Monday – Friday, 9am – 5:30pm.

If you would like to find out about other mental health support options available in your area, please visit Sutton Uplift. Alternatively, please contact our patient services team directly by calling freephone 0800 074 5560, we will be happy to sign-post you to other support services. The team are available Monday – Friday, 9am – 5:30pm.

Experiencing anxiety, depression or low mood?

Try video therapy

Supporting people in



ieso is working in partnership with NHS Talking Therapies in



The service we provide is free for NHS patients who are registered with a GP in



You can self-refer with ieso in



so you do not need to see your GP first.

Our qualified clinicians have been helping people with their mental health through confidential, one-to-one, conversations for over a decade.

Our patients tell us therapy makes it easier to open up and reflect on their thoughts and behaviours than if they were sat in front of a clinician.

Whenever you’re ready to start your therapy, we’re ready to help.

ieso is working in partnership with the NHS. Your NHS Talking Therapies service will discuss the option of typed therapy with you and make a referral to ieso where suitable.

Our qualified clinicians have been helping people with their mental health through confidential, one-to-one, conversations for over a decade.

Our patients tell us therapy makes it easier to open up and reflect on their thoughts and behaviours than if they were sat in front of a clinician.

Whenever you’re ready to start your therapy, we’re ready to help.

ieso is working in partnership with the NHS. Your NHS Talking Therapies service will discuss the option of typed/video therapy with you and make a referral to ieso where suitable.

Our qualified therapists have been helping people with their mental health through confidential, one-to-one online conversations for over a decade.

Our patients tell us that our online typed and video Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) makes it easier to open up and reflect on their thoughts and behaviours than if they were sat in the same room as their therapist.

Whenever you’re ready to start you’re therapy journey, we’re ready to help.

ieso is working in partnership with NHS Talking Therapies in Surrey. The service we provide is free for NHS patients who are registered with a GP in Surrey.You can self-refer with ieso in Surrey, so you do not need to see your GP first.

Our qualified clinicians have been helping people with their mental health through confidential, one-to-one, video conversations for over a decade.

Our patients tell us that video therapy makes it easier to open up and reflect on their thoughts and behaviours than if they were sat in the same room as a clinician.

Whenever you’re ready to start, we’re ready to help.

ieso is working in partnership with the NHS. Your NHS Talking Therapies service will discuss the option of video therapy with you and make a referral to ieso where suitable

Our qualified clinicians have been helping people with their mental health through confidential, one-to-one, video conversations for over a decade.

Our patients tell us that video therapy makes it easier to open up and reflect on their thoughts and behaviours than if they were sat in the same room as a clinician.

Whenever you’re ready to start, we’re ready to help.

Try video therapyGet started

How does online therapy work?

The online approach is making talking therapy more accessible. You won’t need to miss work or travel anywhere, choosing a convenient time to type or video call with your therapist, wherever and whenever you feel most comfortable.

Before each session, your therapist will check in with how you are, so they can tailor your treatment to be as effective as possible. Between sessions, your therapist will ask you to keep a journal and do thinking exercises to help develop positive, long-term habits. Research shows a little work leads to better recovery and can help keep you feeling well after your therapy sessions have ended.

The benefits of online therapy

Typed and video CBT is proven to be as effective as face-to-face CBT at helping you to manage feelings and learn practical skills to use day-to-day to help feel better and live the life you want to lead.  
Like face-to-face CBT, you will have one-to-one, confidential sessions that take place through ieso’s secure online platform, chatting in real-time with a qualified therapist that has been assigned to suit your needs.
Other additional benefits of typed and video therapy include:  


Choose which online modality you prefer


Appointments are available 7 days a week, 6am – 11pm


Therapy sessions take place via ieso’s secure online platform

Access to previous sessions
Guidance beyond therapy
No travel required
Get started quickly
Life friendly
Support between sessions
Typed Therapy

Type with your therapist, much like a text conversation

45–60-minute typed sessions

As the sessions are typed, no one can overhear your conversation

Maintain your progress by accessing past typed sessions and activities in your account even after you've finished therapy

Learn practical CBT skills to use day-to-day to help manage your feelings

Sessions can take place anywhere you feel most comfortable, so there is no need to travel to your appointment. All you need is a device (smartphone, tablet or laptop) that can connect to the internet. 

There are no long waiting times, so you can access therapy in your own time

We fit sessions around your commitments

Message with your therapist in-between sessions for support with your tasks

Video Therapy

Speak to your therapist via a video call

60-minute video sessions

Find a quiet space where you feel most comfortable and chat to your therapist

Listen back to audio recorded transcripts so you can revisit your therapy for reinforced learning

Video Therapy

Type with your therapist, much like a text conversation

60-minute video session appointments

Find a quiet space where you feel most comfortable and chat to your therapist

Listen back to audio recorded transcripts  so you can revisit your therapy for reinforced learning

Learn practical CBT skills to use day-to-day to help 
manage your feelings

Sessions can take place anywhere you feel most comfortable, so there is no need to travel to your appointment. All you need is a device (smartphone, tablet or laptop) that can connect to the internet. 

There are no long waiting times, so you can access therapy in 
your own time

We fit sessions around your commitments

Message with your therapist in-between sessions for 
support with your tasks

How to decide which online therapy modality is right for you

Both typed and video therapy with ieso is available to you in your area. You may be a little unsure as to which modality is right for you, so we have listed below a few reasons why our patients choose either typed or video:


You do not need to be concerned about spelling mistakes or having to type fast with ieso typed therapy

Prefer to manage challenging emotional scenarios through Text/WhatsApp. Scenarios include talking about problems, asking for help, setting personal boundaries, confrontation

Find it difficult to verbalise your feelings in front 
of someone

Find it hard to open up with your GP or close 
family and friends

Do not want your conversations overheard / cannot find a quiet space to take a video call.

Cannot attend sessions that require travelling

Cannot leave home easily because of care responsibilities


Cannot leave home easily because of care responsibilities

Patients have control of voice differentiation capabilities – suitable for patients with accessibility requirements.

Cannot attend sessions that require travelling

Can find a quiet space to have a video call

Suitable for people who learn audibly

Your therapist can screen share for in-session collaboration

See each other’s reactions and take in visual cues

Would prefer to see your therapist visually, and hear their voice

Find it easier to open up more when being able to see and interact with someone through video

Why typed therapy?

Why video therapy?

Typed therapy takes place online, so you won’t need to miss work or travel anywhere. Choose a time convenient for you to type with your clinician. Before each session, your clinician will check in with how you are, so we can tailor your treatment to be as effective as possible.

Between sessions, we’ll ask you to keep a journal and do thinking exercises to help develop positive, long-term habits. Research shows a little work leads to better recovery and can help keep you feeling well after your therapy sessions have ended.

Video therapy is the same process as face-to-face therapy, only instead of talking to a clinician in the same room you will meet via a video call through ieso’s secure therapy online therapy room.

As video sessions take place online there is no need to travel, simply find a quiet place where you feel most comfortable to begin your session.
Sessions are available 7 days a week, from 6am to 11pm helping to work around your everyday life.

Before each session, your clinician will check in with how you are, so we can tailor your treatment to be as effective as possible. Between sessions, we’ll ask you to keep a journal and do thinking exercises to help develop positive, long-term habits.

Research shows a little work leads to better recovery and can help keep you feeling well after your therapy sessions have ended.

A typed conversation shown on a mobile screen between a patient and clinician.

How it works

Our patients tell us typed therapy makes it easier to open up and reflect on their thoughts and behaviours than if they were sat in front of a clinician. The additional benefits of typed therapy include:

Our patients tell us video therapy makes it easier to open up and reflect on their thoughts and behaviours than if they were sat in front of a clinician. The additional benefits of video therapy include:

Flexible - appointments are available seven days a week, 6am – 11pm
Confidential - no video calling, just typing
No travel required - accessible from anywhere - all you need is a device that connects to the internet
Life friendly – access therapy in your own time. We fit sessions around your commitments
Guidance beyond therapy - learn practical CBT skills to use in day-to-day life
Try typed therapyTry video therapy

This is typed therapy...

How do know if video therapy is right for me?

You may find ieso’s video therapy suitable if you:

Find it easier to open up more when being able to see your clinician visually, hear their voice, and take in visual cues
If you prefer to learn audibly
Can find a quiet space to have a video call
Can have control of voice differentiation capabilities – suitable for people with accessibility requirements
Cannot attend sessions that require travelling / leaving your home

Being able to do therapy through messaging helped me to open up more as I find talking difficult, but typing allowed me to think and process what I wanted to say.


Begin your typed therapy in four steps

Begin your video therapy in four steps

1. Refer

Referring directly with ieso allows you to access online therapy quickly and easily without the need to visit your GP. Once you have referred and activated your account, complete your questionnaires. We will then find the best clinician for your needs.

Once you have been referred for online therapy by your NHS Talking Therapies service, you will need to register with ieso to activate your account and complete your questionnaires. We will then find the best clinician for your needs.

Referring allows you to access online therapy quickly and easily without the need to visit your GP. Once you have referred and activated your account, complete your questionnaires. We will then find the best clinician for your needs.


2. Start therapy

Meet with your clinician via video call. Your clinician will create a treatment programme designed just for you and will help you set goals, break down problems and change unhelpful thoughts and behaviour patterns.

Chat with your clinician. Your clinician will create a treatment programme designed just for you and will help you set goals, break down problems and change unhelpful thoughts and behaviour patterns.

Typed therapy

3. Practise

Between sessions you’ll use the new skills your clinician has taught you in real life. Your clinician will track your progress using questionnaires.


4. See results

Your clinician will help you monitor change and target the most persistent and upsetting areas.

See results, plotting progress

What we treat

From trouble sleeping to anxiety to depression, mental health issues can affect many of us in different ways. ieso clinicians treat a range of common mental health symptoms.

Explore what we treat

What people say

We’ve helped thousands of people feel better.
Here are their stories of recovery and growth.

My therapist was extremely professional and understanding and taught me excellent techniques to use. Sessions were online, and it was easy to message my therapist in between appointments.


My therapist at ieso has helped me hugely to combat my anxiety issues and plan my career moving forwards to obtain a better work-life balance. I was falling into bad cycles of negativity and without her help, I think I would still be there. Now following the CBT therapy, I feel I am more able to understand what I am feeling when anxiety strikes, and I have strategies to deal with it.


The text-based service is perfect for what I needed, I could fit it around other commitments easily. My therapist was great, and I genuinely feel so much better than when I started!


I initially was a bit sceptical about the therapy as I did not think communicating by messages via the platform would suit me, but in fact it did as it gave me more time to think, and more anonymity to say how I really felt without the fear of being judged.


Was great to talk to someone once a week who listened and actioned your worries and anxieties with tasks for the week and how to overcome them. I am in a much better place and have been given the resources and information to carry on by myself.


I was initially unsure about online therapy and how it would work, but the rapport with my online therapist was soon built. I can honestly say that from the work I undertook at the beginning of my sessions, my progress, even over a short number of weeks, was really noticeable.


People often ask us...

It’s natural to have an interest in your treatment. People often want to know what we do, how it works and whether it will work for them. Here’s our take on some of the questions we often come across.

What is the platform like? Is it hard to use?

The platform is simple to navigate, so even if you don’t consider yourself an expert in technology, if you can surf the internet you’ll be okay. Our therapy is accessible via computer, tablet or smartphone. When you first log into the ieso platform there are helpful guides which you may wish to read before you start your therapy sessions, including “Online therapy guidelines”. Our Patient Services team are available to help if you have any issues with the platform, Monday-Friday, 9am-5:30pm.

How will I receive messages from my therapist?

As we’re an online therapy service, the communication you have with your therapist is through written messages on our therapy website. 

They’ll send you a message through the therapy website to set up the first appointment rather than calling you. Don’t worry, whenever your therapist messages you or sets up an appointment, you’ll receive a notification email. 

Using the email, login to the platform to view the message or appointment. And, if you’re not receiving notifications, check your spam folder.

How long before I feel better?

ieso doesn’t provide a pre-set number of sessions. We offer you the right number of sessions needed for your treatment. Practicing the CBT techniques, you will learn between therapy sessions will help you feel the benefit more quickly. But, as a rough guide, we can typically address mental health issues like anxiety and depression in 4-8 sessions.

How does access through the NHS work?

In many areas of the UK our service is free for NHS patients. 

You can quickly check here if our therapy is available in your area.
If it is, then you simply have to visit your GP to ask them to refer you to us, or – in some areas, such as Surrey, Rotherham, Western Isles, Shetland and Orkney – you’ll be able to save time and refer yourself directly.

When can I schedule my appointment?

Session appointments are available 7 days a week, from 6am – 11pm so you can find a time that works best around you and your current commitments. It may be helpful when booking your first session to find a regular time that fits around your daily commitments, as this will likely be your ongoing session time for future sessions.

95% would recommend ieso to friends and family

Our service is free for NHS patients in


If you would like to find out about other mental health support options available in your area, visit the NHS website.

If you would like to find out about other mental health support options available in your area, visit the NHS website

Get startedTry typed therapyTry video therapy