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In a health emergency

Get in touch

Monday-Friday 9-5pm

For general enquiries, technical or administrative support, please call our freephone number and speak to a member of our Patient Services Team who are on hand to make your experience as smooth as possible.

Please note, this phone line is managed by an administrative team who are not clinically trained.

The Jeffreys Building, Cowley Road
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 0DS

Registered in England and Wales
no. 4063351  |  VAT no. 247968939

Please note: this service is not a crisis service and will not be suitable for you if you are at immediate or imminent risk to yourself or others.

If you feel that you are in distress, for example if you feel at risk of harming yourself or others then we would urge you to contact any of the following organisations who are able to offer support 24 hours a day:

  • Call 111 – if you are experiencing a mental health crisis and urgently require medical help or advice, but it is not a life-threatening situation.
  • Call 999 – if you or anyone else is in immediate danger or harm.
  • Call 116 123 – to speak to the Samaritans helpline 24 hours a day.

Alternatively, please contact your GP during practice open hours, or attend your local A&E department.