We're so excited to show you the new features that will make accessing your therapy sessions that much easier, please check out the below.
We know emails often get lost or missed when sitting in our inbox, which is why we have simplified the way we will contact you going forward. You will now receive short SMS text messages in place of emails to confirm your session time and to send questionnaires. For further information on how SMS will be used and other changes regarding how your data is stored, click here.
A confidential space where you will meet and message with your therapist during and in between your sessions.
Click ‘Enter therapy room’ once it's time for your session
Therapy guidelines are available through the link at the top of the therapy room page
Your account details are viewable by selecting your avatar in the top right of the screen
In the new therapy room, you will attend your regular sessions, but you can also send and receive messages and documents with your therapist outside of your sessions, so every message and document can now be easily found in one place.
We hope you like the improvements that are being made to the ieso therapy site, and we can assure you that it is the same ieso just with an updated look.
We have put together a few questions that may spring to mind, if you don’t see your question, please do get in touch with us at: info@iesohealth.com
We’ll be happy to help.
Call 111 – if you are experiencing a mental health crisis and urgently require medical help or advice, but it is not a life-threatening situation.
Call 999 – if you or anyone else is in immediate danger or harm.
Call 116 123 – to speak to the Samaritans' helpline 24 hours a day.
If you already have an account with ieso, this will be transferred to the new therapy site, and you will be able to log in as usual.
Yes. Your therapist will remain the same throughout your course of treatment.
Previous therapy sessions will be available in your new therapy room. Messages between you and your therapist will appear in one chat, in date/ time order, with the ability to collapse and expand each session. You’ll be able to access transcripts from previous treatment episodes with us by clicking on ‘View past transcripts’ on your home page.
All messages between you and your therapist will appear in one chat, in date/ time order. You’ll be able to access previous homework tasks and attachments from this chat, however previous goals set will no longer be accessible.
You will receive an SMS with a link to select a session time that suits you, and to book your first session with your therapist.
All future sessions after your initial one will be arranged and confirmed with your therapist via messaging in the therapy room. Nothing else will be required of you (other than to make a note in your own diary of the day and time agreed with your therapist).
We hope you like the new therapy site and find the therapy room simple to use. However, if you do struggle to navigate the site, please call our dedicated Patient Services Team – Monday to Friday, 9am to 5:30pm on 0800 074 5560
Your therapy transcript records are strictly confidential and they're accessible to those with a strict need to know basis, such as your treating therapist and our Clinical team who supervise therapists and lead our clinical service.
Other information from your session, such as your clinical scores, notes and information, are stored on a separate system from the transcripts. This system can be accessed by our Patient Services team who facilitate the care we provide.
Your therapy transcript is stored internally at ieso on a secure system, and the remainder of your record is hosted on iaptus, hosted by Mayden House Ltd. Mayden has been extensively vetted and is trusted by over 200 NHS customers. If these systems require maintenance to resolve a technical issue, it is possible that engineers may see information about you.
All staff receive annual GDPR and NHS Data Security Awareness training and we pride ourselves on keeping patients' data safe.
If you haven’t already had your first session, you will receive an SMS text message with a link to book your first session and a link to complete your pre-session questionnaires. For all subsequent sessions, you’ll receive confirmations, reminders, and cancellations via SMS. Please note, an ieso message will only ever be sent from ieso Digital Health NoReply. If you are unsure of an SMS you have received, please contact our Patient Services Team – Monday to Friday, 9am to 5:30pm on 0800 074 5560
Yes of course. To opt-out please contact our Patient Services Team – Monday to Friday, 9am to 5:30pm on 0800 074 5560. Please note that by opting out of SMS, you will be required to ring our Patient Services Team to book your first session. By opting out, you will no longer receive session reminders, cancellation updates etc as SMS has replaced ieso reminder emails. Please also note that questionnaires will be sent via email after you opt-out, so please do check your email inbox.
The personal information our patients share with ieso is confidential. We collect the minimum amount of data required for specified treatment, safeguarding and research purposes. We minimise access to patient data on a strict need-to-know basis and take steps to de-identify it as much as possible. Patients’ health and care data is only accessed in connection with their personally identifiable information when there is a treatment delivery or safeguarding reason to do so. For example:
** Our therapists, clinical supervisors and Patient Services Team can access a patient’s health and care data alongside the personally identifiable information that is required to deliver therapy to that patient and keep them safe.
** Our approved scientists and researchers can access de-identified health and care data, that is stored separately from a patient’s directly identifiable information, to carry out research and analysis.
** Our engineers or engineers at Mayden may access a patient’s directly identifiable information to support with a technical issue with one of our products or services.